The Inside Wrap — Gift Wrap
What's the Difference Between Uncoated Wrapping Paper and Coated Wrapping Paper?
There are differences between the coated and uncoated paper used to make wrapping paper. Learn more about these differences and why we choose to print on uncoated paper.
Why Paper Warping isn't a Sign of Poor Quality
Warping is commonly seen in uncoated wrapping paper, but it's not a symptom of poor quality product. In fact, the opposite is true! We're here to bust some common myths about paper warping.
We Use Uncoated Paper For Our Gift Wrap Designs - Here's Why
Glossy, coated wrapping paper has had its day! It tears, it's hard to recycle and cannot be composted. Learn how you will benefit from using wrapping paper with an uncoated finish.
How Much Paper Do I Need?
If you're not sure how much wrapping paper you need, read our handy guide.
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